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Animal Physiology (BIO 345)

Physiology is an integrative discipline that explores how living organisms function at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels. In this course, we will study physiological mechanisms of animals and put this information in the context of adaptation and evolution. The course will cover the following general topics: 1) basic principles of physiology, 2) metabolism and energetics, 3) water and salt regulation, 4) physiological control systems, 5) muscle physiology, 6) cardiorespiratory physiology, 7) thermal physiology. This course is offered every semester. I teach this course fall semesters.

Deep Sea Biology (BIO 462)

The goal of this course is to provide a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) in Deep Sea Biology. Students will conduct an authentic and original research project using available data from a 2019 NOAA Ocean Exploration Research Expedition and will gain in-the-field oceanographic experience at sea on UNCW’s R/V Cape Fear.

Neuroecology (BIO 485)

This course examines how the structural and physiological properties of neural networks relate to the interaction of animals and the biophysical environment. We will explore how neural systems are shaped by the environment and in turn, how those systems underlie animal behavior. The course content is highly integrative, considering topics in neuroecology that span molecular to organismal levels of organization. Course will be offered spring semesters.

Senior Seminar: Cameras and Color in Biology (BIO 495)

In this course, we will explore the topic of ‘Cameras and Colors in Biology’ by comparing the structure and function of eyes to those of cameras and by examining the utility of light and color in nature, all while incorporating an element of photography in the class. Specifically, we will examine the roles of coloration, bioluminescence, and fluorescence in the ‘hide-and-seek’ of animal ecology. Structuring the course around team-based literature discussions and final presentations of a research report, the ultimate aim of this course is to hone skills in scientific communication. Course will be offered spring semesters.

© 2020 by Lorian Schweikert.

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